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proxy / firewall problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg94270] proxy / firewall problem
  • From: "sjoerd.c.devries at" <sjoerd.c.devries at>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 07:00:45 -0500 (EST)

Hi folks,

I'm still trying to get Mathematica to get through our corporate proxy
and firewall. At home everything is fine, even though I run a firewall
on my PC and use a NAT router.

I've given the network administrator the user-agent string that
Mathematica uses when it does its http requests (they are restricting
http requests to a fixed list of clients, with the respective user-
agent strings used to detect allowable clients). I got that by
sniffing my local network. At the office network (which has a http
proxy and a firewall running on separate machines) it seems
Mathematica doesn't get so far as to make this request. I can see a
few packets (3 or 4) exchanged between the proxy and my PC (TCP SYN
and ACK) and then everything stops.

IE and Firefox don't have a problem getting through. I have traced the
update function of Acrobat and can see its user-agent string appear on
the network.

I tried both the "Use the proxy settings of my system or browser" and
explicit proxy settings in the Internet connection tab. I copied the
proxy settings straight from Firefox where they do work, so it can't
be a typo.

I seem to remember that a week ago the connection button responded
directly with a fail message. Now, it takes a few minutes, but is
still fails. The documentation mentions that this might be the result
of using SOCKS where it isn't allowed. I may have tried SOCKS before,
but I have removed the setting now, so this shouldn't be an issue. I
have emptied the https, ftp and socks boxes, but can't seem to clear
the port number boxes (I set them to 0 for now). As far as I can see,
this is a problem with SetInternetProxy that can be called with an
empty host string, but not without port number.

Any clue?

Thanks -- Sjoerd

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