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Re: Run initialization cells before dynamic cells

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg94355] Re: Run initialization cells before dynamic cells
  • From: Damon <damonwischik at>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 03:43:29 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ghnfih$nl3$>

I should have included an example file. Suppose my notebook contains

f[x_] := x^2

If I run this the first time, I get the answer I'm expecting (it shows
4 and 100). But if I
save the notebook, quit Mathematica, then restart, I see f[2] and f
[10], not f[4] and f[100].

I want to know: is there any way to make Mathematica execute the
definition of f before it
tries to display the Dynamic cells? I tried marking the definition of
f as an initialization cell,
but it still tries to display the Dynamic cells before it runs the
initialization cells.

I wanted to use Dynamic rather than Manipulate, because Manipulate
doesn't give me
enough flexibility in how to place my controls -- instead I defined my
own custom control
panel then I used Dynamic to show the output. But because I am using
Dynamic, I cannot
use the SaveDefinitions option, which only works in Manipulate. I
could place the definition
of f inside each of the Dynamics, but it's silly to duplicate effort.

Incidentally, I just discovered an answer which is sufficient for my
needs. I don't actually
_need_ to use Dynamic, I can use a Manipulate with no controls (given
that I've defined my
own control panel elsewhere). If I use

Manipulate[ f[2], SaveDefinitions->True, Paneled->False,
AppearanceElements->None, FrameMargin->None ]

then it looks exactly how I want, and I can use the SaveDefinitions
option. As a bonus, this
means that the saved definitions are available for any other Dynamic[]
cell in the notebook.

But I still think it's crummy that Dynamic[] does not have a
SaveDefinitions option.


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