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Re: branch of (-1)^(1/3)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg94502] Re: branch of (-1)^(1/3)
  • From: "slawek" <human at>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 07:43:47 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ghtjcj$r7f$> <gi2ufl$9pk$>

U¿ytkownik "Jean-Marc Gulliet" <jeanmarc.gulliet at> napisa³ w 
wiadomo¶ci news:gi2ufl$9pk$1 at
> slawek wrote:
>> Is a simple way to choose the branch of (-1)^(1/3) ?

> The tutorial "Functions That Do Not Have Unique Values" -- section 3.2.7
> of /The Mathematica Book/ 5th ed. -- might be worth reading.

Jean, I REALLY known what is an analytic function.

The question is not: "why, for the Good sake, the answer of (1)^4 is "-I" 

My question is quite simple one: "why the (-1)^(1/3) gives no way to pick up 
branch, what is sometimes needed for somebody. For example, because I 
exactly know which branch I need when I use complex numbers - but I have no 
control on Mathematica madness to pick up an arbitraty solution because 
somebody has got a misty vision which a branch is more basic and more 
primary than others."

For example I have a simple real function z = Exp[-y^2  (3x + y)] of real 
x,y , obviously there are points where the function has zero derivative in a 
direction, but the Mathematica is unable to find them, because their 
coordinates are real (as anybody literate can easily see), whereas 
Mathematica prefer a complex solution  and therefore Save gives a wrong - 
"unique" - solution. The Reduce work no better. Reduce generates an message 
"unable to solve". Ok, it was quite simple to request third power of 
solution before use Solve - and - supprise, supprise - the solution is real. 
And some tricks - and we have the real solutions (in requested domain). But 
I hate tricks - it is so simple to FORCE Mathematica to give quite other 
results - that the whole software is far less realiable than I needed.

So your answer is the answer on the wrong question. First read my question 
again (and again) - then when you will be able to hadle the question your 
answer would be on the topic. Ad rem.


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