Need Help
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg94557] Need Help
- From: "Oyedeji, Kale" <koyedeji at>
- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 02:34:53 -0500 (EST)
I need help. My intension is to solve the implicit difference equation below involving generation of random numbers and to plot S(k) and R(k) versus k. But all I got is a series of numbers as indicated below too. Thanks for your assistance. Kale With[{B=8,f=3 x10-5}, sol=Evaluate[{S[k+1]= =R[k]*B*Table[Random[],{10000}]-f*S[k]*R[k],R[k+1]= =f*S[k]*R[k], S[0]ï??3400, R[0]ï??9}, {S,R}, {k,0,10000}]] Sample partial answer: OutputSizeLimit`Dump`encapsulateOutput {S[1+k]ï??{6.79088 R[k]-(3 R[k] S[k])/x105,3.42965 R[k]-(3 R[k] S[k])/x105,1.0636 R[k]-(3 R[k] S[k])/x105,6.98753 R[k]-(3 R[k] S[k])/x105,2.33128 R[k]-(3 R[k] S[k])/x105,4.43642 R[k]-(3 R[k] S[k])/x105,