Re: NIntegrate - bug??
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85370] Re: NIntegrate - bug??
- From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
- Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 07:07:25 -0500 (EST)
- References: <foeklg$i9b$>
Costa Bravo wrote: > I have defined the function of Exp with series > > expN[x_, p1_] := Module[{min = 10^-20,s, u, j}, > s = 1; u = 1; j = 1; > While[u *= N[p1*x/j, 20]; > s += u; j++; > u > min*s]; > s] > > > The differences between Exp & expN > > tp = 10; tk = 20; > Table[{x, Exp[x/5] - expN[x, 1/5]}, {x, tp, tk, 1}] > > (* OK 0*10^-18 *) > > (* I have integration Exp[x/5] with 'NIntegrate' *) > > NIntegrate[Exp[x/5], {x, tp, tk}] > > 236.045 (* OK *) > > (* and expN[x,1/5] *) > > NIntegrate[expN[x, 1/5], {x, tp, tk}] > > 40. (* Bad !! *) > > (* primitive integration expN *) > > t1 = Table[expN[x, 1/5], {x, tp, tk, 1/10}]; > (Total[t1] - (t1[[1]] + t1[[-1]])/2)/10 > > 236.0533... (* ~OK *) > > Why the integration of expN with NIntegrate is bad ? > > Tested with Mathematica 5.0 ,5.2 and 6 > > PS > If defined function expN1 ( without While !!) > > expN1[x_, p1_] := Module[{min = 10^-20, s, u, j}, > s = 1; u = 1; > Do[u *= N[p1 x/j, 20]; s += u, {j, 30}]; > s] > > NIntegrate[expN1[x, 1/5], {x, tp, tk}] > > 236.045 ( OK !!!! ) > Hi, It is not a bug. Whenever you write function that takes numerical arguments, such as expN[], make sure that they are evaluated *only* for numerical data! Change the definition to look like this: expN[x_?NumericQ, p1_?NumericQ] := ... If you evaluate the original expN with symbolic parameters, you get: In[2]:= expN[a, b] Out[2]= 1 + a b And NIntegrate[1 + a/5, {a, 10, 20}] happens to be: In[3]:= NIntegrate[1 + a/5, {a, 10, 20}] Out[3]= 40. Szabolcs Horv=E1t