Re: Pythonika - Difficulties to install
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85650] Re: Pythonika - Difficulties to install
- From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
- Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 07:21:57 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: University of Bergen
- References: <fp67fd$5e9$>
Pedro Costa wrote: > I am having difficulties to install Pythonika in Windows Vista. When I go to compile, an error occurs therefore the archive "pythonikatm.c" it is not found. > Where it is this archive? I only found ""! > Thanks. > This is explained in the tutorial on compiling MathLink programs: tutorial/MathLinkDeveloperGuide-Windows You need to process the .tm file with mprep. This is done by the Makefile supplied with Pythonika, you just have to edit the paths first so that they match your specific configuration. But if you are uncomfortable with compiling C code, why don't you just use the precompiled executable from the package?