Re: Mathematica 6 over ssh tunnel
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85672] Re: [mg85654] Mathematica 6 over ssh tunnel
- From: Curtis Osterhoudt <cfo at>
- Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:51:53 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: LANL
- References: <>
- Reply-to: cfo at
I haven't used ssh to tunnel Mathematica 6 using OS X; I've only used it for v. 5.2 with OS X, and that was a while ago, so this may turn out to be just static on the list. However, I have used ssh between Windows and Linux, with both 5.2 and 6.0. All I've ever needed to do was connect using ssh -Y username@hostAddress and then start the frontend by running "Mathematica". Though connecting from XP to linux gives me a "bad fonts" error, I can close that window and things work fine. Might the same work for you? Good luck, C.O. On Sunday 17 February 2008 05:24:01 dbseaton at wrote: > I've been using Mathematica 5.2 with a remote kernel (OS X both for > the frontend and the remote kernel). To get around a firewall, I've > used, essentially, the method described at the bottom of this page: > > >Remote_Kernels > > This works well for Mathematica 5.2. I recently upgraded to > Mathematica 6, however, and now everything works fine except graphics, > which come out with only a line reading "-Graphics-" and no actual > graphics output. Has anybody else experienced this? Is there a way > around it? > > It appears that Graphics work if you connect with the firewall off > (and therefore, no need for the ssh tunnel), but I can't leave the > firewall off. I could open up a couple of specific ports, but it > looks like, no matter what I do, the remote kernel is trying to use > one port that changes every time I connect, making it impossible to > allow connections on specific ports and have any effect. Any help > would be most appreciated. > > dan seaton -- ========================================================== Curtis Osterhoudt cfo at PGP Key ID: 0x4DCA2A10 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments See ==========================================================
- References:
- Mathematica 6 over ssh tunnel
- From:
- Mathematica 6 over ssh tunnel