Matching HoldPattern explicitly
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85779] Matching HoldPattern explicitly
- From: Yaroslav Bulatov <yaroslavvb at>
- Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 04:59:20 -0500 (EST)
I'm trying to use Mathematica symbols as dictionaries. In particular if I have (kk[1, 2] = 3; kk[3, 4] = 4;), I'd like a function "keys" that would accept kk, and return {{1,2},{3,4}}. A recipie on suggests to do keys[dict_] := Map[#[[1]] /. {HoldPattern[dict[x_]] -> x} &, DownValues[dict]] However, this doesn't quite work (p:HoldPattern[x] doesn't match "HoldPattern[x]"). Verbatim[HoldPattern[dict... doesn't work because I need to do a substitution for local dict variable. So my question is 1. What's the best way to match HoldPattern explicitly, while allowing for local variable substitutions inside "HoldPattern" pattern 2. What is the best way of implementing Python like dictionaries in Mathematica?