Re: Getting the View I want from ListPlot3D and Show
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85798] Re: Getting the View I want from ListPlot3D and Show
- From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
- Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:25:06 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: Uni Leipzig
- References: <fpm71n$2r3$>
- Reply-to: kuska at
Hi, have a look at ReliefPlot[] ... Regards Jens DOD wrote: > I created four 3D lists, and created four ListPlot3D objects(using > interpolation to get nice smooth surfaces), and then combine them with > Show. Each listplot is a difference color, so I can see very nicely > what's going on. When I use the option Viewpoint->Top in Show, I can > see which list has the highest value over the unit square. > > What I would lake is to just export that top view to an EPS file for > me to discuss in my paper. The problem is that there are a few > artifacts of the view that don't look so nice; Where some of the > surfaces cross there are peaks and valleys, so when viewed from the > top, the Show object bulges and distorts at the edges that have a bit > of slope. Since I've used Viewpoint-Top, I had hoped there would be > nothing like that, so that all I would see is the color of the > different regions of the unit square, but apparently that doesn't give > me a LITERAL top view; it's viewed from some point in 3D space some > distance from the object, so even viewing from the top doesn't fully > eliminate the third dimension. > > Is there some other way to either get a more perfect top view, or else > another way to color the regions of the cube according to which of > these four listsis the maximum? > > Cheers > Dennis >