Re: Maximize Command - Problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85852] Re: Maximize Command - Problem
- From: Crazy Man <geller_gambit at>
- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 07:34:37 -0500 (EST)
Well, Syd sent me an email and told me to try this:(well, I forgot to mention that we have to define a=1;b=1;c=1;d=1;) >fun[x_, y_, z_] =4*(a^2 + (b^2 + c^2 +d^2) (Cos[x])^2*(Cos[y])^2*(Cos[z])^2 + (b*Cos[x]*Cos[y]*Cos[z] +Cos[x]*Sin[y] + d*Sin[x])^2); And then: >Maximize[{fun, -Pi/2 < x < Pi/2 && -Pi/2 < y < Pi/2 && 0 < z < 2*Pi}, {x, y,z}] It displayed an error. So I modified to >Maximize[{fun[x, y, z], -Pi/2 < x < Pi/2 && -Pi/ 2 < y < Pi/2 && 0 < z < 2*Pi}, {x, y, z}] And the command runs for a while and then it displays my input. Omg, this is frustrating, I dont know what´s the problem. Thank you anyway Syd.