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RE: PlotMarkers Broken

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84528] RE: [mg84523] PlotMarkers Broken
  • From: "Jaccard Florian" <Florian.Jaccard at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 06:56:01 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>

Hello Scott!

I noticed the same problem.
For a lot of issues in the <<Graphics` package, the 5.2 was much better 
then 6.0.

For example, with 6.0, you have to know a lot of Mathematica subtilities 

ListPlot[data,PlotRange->{{-12,12},{-12,12}},Frame->True,Axes->None,Epilog->{Text["mesure "<>ToString[Position[data,#][[1,1]]],#,{-1,1}]&/@data}]

But with 5.2, the same output was very easy to obtain :


I also miss a lot ImplicitPlot.

For example, with 5.2 :

For the same Output in 6.0, you have to write much more :

I'm afraid Wolfram has also completely forgotten useful things for students. For example SurfaceOfRevolution.

If you want to rotate around the x-axis, with 5.2, it was very easy :


But with 6.0, you have to know much more maths... so the average student may not be able to obtain the surface!


So I really agree with Scott: Wolfram, please, let come back the <<Graphics` package!

Jaccard Florian

-----Message d'origine-----
De=A0: Scott [mailto:sguthery at]
Envoy=E9=A0: mercredi, 2. janvier 2008 07:17
=C0=A0: mathgroup at
Objet=A0: [mg84523] PlotMarkers Broken

Not only is the help system in 6.0 a giant step backward from 5.x but
ListPlots have been gutted.  TextListPlot and LabelListPlot are both
gone and we are I guess supposed to use PlotMarkers to get the same

Unfortunately, no backward compatibility with TextListPlot is possible
since one has to wrap each point up as a one-element list.  But even
doing this PlotMarkers is broken.  For example, in the following for
some unknown reason a '1' is written over each marker making the
result a mess.

ListPlot[{{{1, 1}}, {{2, 2}}, {{3, 3}}},
 PlotRange -> {{0, 4}, {0, 4}},
 PlotMarkers -> {{1, 20}, {2, 20}, {3, 20}}, PlotStyle -> Black]

Please, Wolfram.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Cheers, Scott

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