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3D Picking again

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84685] 3D Picking again
  • From: "Fred Klingener" <gigabitbucket at>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 03:53:01 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: "Fred Klingener" <gigabitbucket at>

This is a follow-up to the 3D Locator thread.

Here's a marginally legal Demonstration that shows a way to use a Pluecker 
pick line, defined by MousePosition["Graphics3DBoxIntercepts", on a random 
set of points in a Graphics3D.

It avoids some of the flakier behavior of the examples I posted earlier by 
using With[ (cropped mostly from the Advanced Manipulate Functionality 
tutorial) instead of an EventHandler. AFAIC, it's just not worth the grief 
trying to get an EventHandler running inside a Manipulate.

My reference for Pluecker lines is Shoemake's
(* 2008-01-08 Fred Klingener *)
(* Mathematica 6.0.1 *)
"These are two independent views of the same set of points, randomly \
distributed in space. Each view can be manipulated independently by mouse in 
the usual way. In either view, a 3D 'pick line' can be selected passing \
through the mouse pointer and perpendicular to the screen. The point closest 
to the pick line is highlighted. The pick line appears in both views, but is 
seen end on and therefore practically invisible in the pick view.",
ImageSize -> {600, 130}], SpanFromLeft}
, {
iPts = MousePosition["Graphics3DBoxIntercepts", iPt0]
, {image = {
, {Red, Line[{{0, 0, 0}, {p[[1]], 0, 0}}]}
, {Green, Line[{{p[[1]], 0, 0}, {p[[1]], p[[2]], 0}}]}
, {Blue, Line[{{p[[1]], p[[2]], 0}, {p[[1]], p[[2]], p[[3]]}}]}
, {Hue[0.9060679774997897, 0.6, 0.6], {Thick, Line[iPts]}
, PointSize[0.05]
p = cloud[[
d0 = Table[
distanceLP[cloud[[i]], pLine[iPts[[1]], iPts[[2]]]], {i,
nPoints}], Min@d0][[1, 1]]]]]
, Text[ToString[p], p, {0, -2}]
] (* With *)
] (* Dynamic *)
}, opts = {PlotRange -> 1.5
, ImageSize -> 280
, Axes -> True
, AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "z"}}
] (* Graphics3D *)
, Dynamic@Graphics3D[image, opts]
}] (* Grid *)
, {n, Appearance -> None}
, Initialization ->
nPoints = 10;
iPt0 = {{0.556581, -1.43647, 1.5}, {-1.14868, 1.5, -0.792715}};
cloud =
Table[{RandomReal[{-1, 1}], RandomReal[{-1, 1}], RandomReal[{-1, 1}]}
, {i, nPoints}];
(* Pluecker line from Q to P *)
pLine[P_, Q_] := {P - Q, Q\[Cross]P};
(* vector from Pluecker line L to point P *)
vectorLP[P_, L_] :=
Module[{U = L[[1]], V = L[[2]]}, U\[Cross](P\[Cross]U - V)/U.U];
(* distance between Pluecker line L and point P *)
distanceLP[P_, L_] := Norm[vectorLP[P, L]];
] (* Manipulate *)


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