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Re: Selecting dynamically from a list

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84706] Re: Selecting dynamically from a list
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 05:36:17 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fm4hcd$6ts$>

Hi John

using FullForm you can see what you get. E.g.: 

choosein[mylist]//FullForm will show you that the return value is 

Dynamic[..], not a value you can easily calulate with. However you have 

a real problem. If you  get rid of the "Dynamic" you have a problem. 

Because, when you write var=choosein, the assignement is done once and 

not updated later. A possible solution would be to feed the variable to 

choosein, e.g.:

choosein[myl_List,myVar_Symbol] := Module[{mychoice1 = {}},

    Print[CheckboxBar[Dynamic@mychoice1, myl]];


Note the delayed assignment that ensures the updating.

hope this helps, Daniel

John Jowett wrote:

> Hello,

>        While writing this post, I found the solution myself.  At the

> risk of making myself look a bit slow, let me communicate it anyway.

> Conceivably it may help someone else who doesn't find the solution

> obvious.


> I have an application where, in essence, I would like to visually pick

> a few values out of a list to make a new list.  I can do it at a basic

> level with


> mylist = {a, b, c, d, e, f};


> CheckboxBar[Dynamic[mychoice0], mylist]


> which displays a row of check boxes.  After picking a couple I find

> that the variable mychoice0 has simply been assigned a value {a,c,e},

> for example.  I can then go on and calculate other things with it,

> e.g.,


> Length[mychoice0]   which returns 2.


> So far, so good.  Then I try to build on that, by writing a function

> to pick from an arbitrary list.  After some trial and error, I came up

> with



> choosein[myl_List] := Module[{mychoice1 = {}},

>   Print[CheckboxBar[Dynamic@mychoice1, myl]];

>   Dynamic[mychoice1]]


> and try it out with


> myc = choosein[mylist]


> Sure enough this displays an output corresponding to my choice from

> the check boxes.   However if I try to do anything else with the

> variable myc, I quickly find out that it is not what it appears to be

> and cannot be used in calculations.  This was puzzling until I

> discovered that


> myc1 = Setting[myc]


> will give the list I wanted.  However it is NOT possible to

> incorporate the call to Setting in the definition of the function

> choosein.


> Can anyone improve on this approach ?


> John Jowett



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