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Creating a Legend with ListPlot using PlotMarkers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84809] Creating a Legend with ListPlot using PlotMarkers
  • From: Uayeb <uayebswinburne at>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 03:17:56 -0500 (EST)

I'm trying to create a legend for a list plot of points using the
PlotMarkers generated with the option PlotMarkers->Automatic. Seems
the only way to do this is by creating my own set of plot markers
which I can hand both to the ListPlot[data,PlotMarkers->myMarkers] and
to the Legend[Table[{myMarkers[[i]],"data "<>ToString[i]},
{i,Length[myMarkers]}]] (or similar) call. Seems that the
Automatically generated markers should be around somewhere, similar to
how the colors used to generate a line plot are in ColorData[1,i].

Also, drawing a box around the legend via LegendShadow->{0,0} has
unexpected results:

data = Table[RandomReal[] + 8, {2}, {6}]
plot = ListPlot[data, PlotMarkers -> Automatic, PlotStyle -> Black,
  Axes -> False, Frame -> True]
        Style["\[FilledSquare]", FontSize -> 8.96], {0, 0}]}],
     "DEEP2"}, {Graphics[{Inset[
        Style["\[FilledCircle]", FontSize -> 8.96], {0, 0}]}],
     "CFRS"}}, LegendShadow -> {0, 0}, LegendPosition -> {1, 8.7}]]]

This code produces a Boxed Legend, but the box expands to touch the
top of the plot frame. Looking at the InputForm of the output gives no
indication that this shouldn't draw correctly.


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