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Re: Integral problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg84839] Re: Integral problem
  • From: "David W.Cantrell" <DWCantrell at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 03:29:35 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fmhq3n$beb$>

"Josef Otta" <josef.otta at> wrote:
> Dear mathgroup,
> consider the following integral:
> sol=Integrate[
> (4a (1-u^2)^(a-2)(s-u)s)^(-1/p), {u,0,s}, Assumptions->
> {a>1,p>1,1>s>0,Element[s,Reals],Element[p,Rationals],Element[a,
> Rationals]}
>          ]
> I do not know why i got complex result, which is in this case
> unexpected. does anyone have any idea? is this a bug or i overlooked
> anything?

It's a bug, but there is a simple way to get an answer which I suspect is

In[8]:= Integrate[(4*a*(1 - u^2)^(a - 2)*(s - u)*s)^(-1/p), {u, 0, s}]

Out[8]= If[Re[1/p] < 1 && 0 < s <= 1,
(p*s^((-2 + p)/p)*(1 - s^2)^((2 - a)/p)*AppellF1[(-1 + p)/p, (-2 + a)/p,
(-2 + a)/p, 2 - 1/p, s/(1 + s), s/(-1 + s)])/(a^p^(-1)*(-1 + p)),
Integrate[(a*s*(s - u)*(1 - u^2)^(-2 + a))^(-p^(-1)), {u, 0, s},
Assumptions -> s > 1 || Re[1/p] >= 1 || s <= 0]]/4^p^(-1)

In[9]:= corsol = FullSimplify[%, p > 1 && 0 < s < 1]

Out[9]= (p*s^((-2 + p)/p)*(1 - s^2)^((2 - a)/p)*
AppellF1[(-1 + p)/p, (-2 + a)/p, (-2 + a)/p, 2 - 1/p, s/(1 + s), s/(-1 +
s)])/(4^p^(-1)*a^p^(-1)*(-1 + p))

I said that I suspect it is correct. My suspicion is based, in part, on a
few numerical checks such as

In[10]:= corsol /. {a -> 5/3, p -> 3, s -> 9/10}

Out[10]= (9*19^(1/9)*AppellF1[2/3, -(1/9), -(1/9), 5/3, 9/19,

In[11]:= N[%]

Out[11]= 0.723373

In[12]:= a = 5/3; p = 3; s = 9/10;
NIntegrate[(4*a*(1 - u^2)^(a - 2)*(s - u)*s)^(-1/p), {u, 0, s}]

Out[12]= 0.723373 - 2.18311*10^-13 I

Now that we have a presumably correct answer, let's consider the bug. As
best I can tell, it is not caused by any of the "standard culprits" I would
have guessed. It seems not to be caused by the presence of parameters in
the integrand, unnoticed discontinuities of a presumed antiderivative, etc.
Consider the incorrect result

In[13]:= a = 5/3; p = 3; s = 9/10;
Integrate[(4*a*(1 - u^2)^(a - 2)*(s - u)*s)^(-1/p), {u, 0, s}]

Out[13]= -((9*(-1)^(1/4)*HypergeometricPFQ[{-(1/9), 1/2, 1}, {5/6, 4/3},

In[14]:= N[%]

Out[14]= -0.56906 - 0.528588 I

But the truly surprising thing to me is that if we modify In[8], which gave
a presumably correct answer, by merely supplying assumptions which should
have been _helpful_, we get an incorrect result instead:

In[15]:= Clear[a, p, s];
Integrate[(4 a (1 - u^2)^(a - 2) (s - u) s)^(-1/p), {u, 0, s},
Assumptions -> {p > 1, 0 < s < 1}]

Out[15]= If[a > 0, ((-(-1)^(1/4))*2^(-1 + 1/p)*Sqrt[Pi]*s^((-1 +
p)/p)*Gamma[(-1 + p)/p]*HypergeometricPFQRegularized[{1/2, 1, (-2 + a)/p},
{3/2 - 1/(2*p), 1 - 1/(2*p)}, I*s^2])/(a*s)^p^(-1),
Integrate[1/((s*(s - u))^p^(-1)*(a*(1 - u^2)^(-2 + a))^p^(-1)), {u, 0, s},
Assumptions -> p > 1 && 0 < s < 1 && a <= 0]]/4^p^(-1)

Thus we have an example showing that supplying assumptions can be

David W. Cantrell

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