Can you minimize a notebook window from a notebook in Version 6? and
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg84834] Can you minimize a notebook window from a notebook in Version 6? and
- From: deepyogurt at
- Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 03:27:01 -0500 (EST)
Is there a way to minimize a Mathematica notebook window from within another Mathematica notebook that opened it with a call to NotebookOpen (I am using version 6 on a Mac if it matters), once the notebook is open? I have a notebook that opens several notebooks, but I only want a couple of them to show up on the screen initially, and then later just making them visible is a single mouse-click away. Is there a way to minimize the just opened notebook windows? Some way to use the "Minimize Window" command (Apple-M on a Mac and Windows version does not have the same menu command) or ??. I need to do this from inside of Mathematica not from the OS. For example there is routine called "FrontEndTokenExecute" that will do 'some' of the menu commands, but not the "Window/Minimize" (it will only do the "StackWindows", "TileWindowsWide" and "TileWindowsTall" menu commands according the Doc Center). I have noticed that if you open a notebook with something like: docpath = ToFileName[{"/Volumes", "Data"}, "test"]; nb1 = NotebookOpen[ToFileName[docpath, "testingminimizewindow.nb"], WindowMargins -> {{10, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}, WindowSize -> {957, 786}] you get back a button looking thing in the output cell that has a small icon at the left side of the button which if you position the cursor on top of it, you get a tooltip that says "Bring this notebook to the front" and if it were minimized or behind some other windows, it would be brought up to be entirely visible. If you use "Cell/Show Expression" to look at the underlying code in this output cell it looks like(I have changed this a tiny bit to not use the real filename): Cell[BoxData[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{"NotebookObject", "[", PanelBox[GridBox[{ { TooltipBox[ ButtonBox[ StyleBox[ DynamicBox[FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[ "FEBitmaps", "ManipulatePasteIcon"], ImageSizeCache->{13., {4., 9.}}], DynamicUpdating->True], BaseStyle->{}, ButtonFrame->None, ButtonFunction:>FrontEndExecute[{ FrontEnd`SetSelectedNotebook[ NotebookObject[ FrontEndObject[ LinkObject["eni_shm", 1, 1]], 31]]}], Evaluator->None, Method->"Queued"], DynamicBox[ FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEStrings", "NotebookObjectToTheFront"]]], TagBox[ TooltipBox["\<\"testingminimizewindow.nb\"\>", "\"/Volumes/Data/test/testingminimizewindow.nb\""], Annotation[#, "/Volumes/Data/test/testingminimizewindow.nb", "Tooltip"]& ]} }, GridBoxAlignment->{ "Columns" -> {{Left}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}], FrameMargins->{{4, 5}, {4, 4}}], "]"}], NotebookObject[ FrontEndObject[ LinkObject["eni_shm", 1, 1]], 31], Editable->False]], "Output", CellChangeTimes->{3.409452101304728*^9}] Of which I thought an interesting command is: FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["FEStrings", "NotebookObjectToTheFront"]]], I tried something similar using "NotebookObjectToTheRear" and "NotebookObjectToTheBack" but no luck, but perhaps this is only some info related to the tooltip and nothing to do with the underlying functions that bring the window to the front. Anyone know where these type of function calls are documented or any other ideas?? Ideally, I would like something that will work on both Mac and Windows versions of Mathematica 6. On a similar note, I cannot find anywhere in the Doc Center that documents a routine called DynamicModuleBox. In fact there seems to be a lot of things missing in the Doc Center about many of the low level routines I see when I look at cells with "Show Expression". With version 5, I could look just about everything up either online or in the Stephen Wolfram "The Mathematica Book, 5th Editino" (the 1500 page mMathematica bible). Anybody have any suggestion about how to look up these low level routines?? Thanks very much... -Bob F