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Re: A set of several questions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90211] Re: A set of several questions
  • From: yatesd at
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 05:31:37 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <g451va$pq7$>

Question 5:

Does the following achieve what you want? (Mathematica version 6 only)

f[s : PatternSequence[a_, b_, c_, d_, e_, H1_, H2_], x_] := {{s}, a,
  b, c, d, e, H1, H2}

where I have simplified the right hand side to illustrate how to
access the arguments individually or as a whole. Note that s will
return a sequence (Sequence[a,b,...]), and it looked from your code
that you would prefer to have a list, and so must refer to {s} where
you wish to have a list.

Questions 2-4 (mostly version 6 ideas):

I find Mathematica's underlying graphics language very powerful, but
some things that you would expect to be simple are not. There are
numerous techniques for what you wish to achieve, but it takes some
(frustrating) experience to find which works best for you. If adding
text to the bottom of a graphic, where the text is not spatially
related to the graphic (as in some sort of footnote), I use
Column[{graphics, Style[text,attributes]}] or sometimes Grid if I have
a more complicated layout requirements. If the text has 'natural' co-
ordinates (either absolute or scaled), then I often use the Epilog
option to the graphic (where option looks something like Epilog-
>Text[text,co-ordinates]. I also sometimes use
Show[{graphics,Graphics[Text[..]]},PlotRange->All] as you suggested,
but that assumes you want PlotRange->All (or the range of the first
plot has to cover the others)

Custom Ticks beyond what is shown in the help to Ticks are very
frustrating. I sometimes write a function to create the entire Ticks-
>... option (the range of the data supplied by the Plot function is
not always enough information to create what you want.) or I use
pattern replacement on the Ticks returned by AbsoluteOptions. This can
be tricky to get right and you are not careful can result in a jumble
of illegible code.

For legends, I create my own legend using Inset, Panel, and Grid and
attach it via Epilog.



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