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Multiple Executions of .nb file part2

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90484] Multiple Executions of .nb file part2
  • From: "Dave" <david.fourie at>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 06:38:43 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Newcastle University


I think I maybe over simplified my situation. My project uses a series of 
nested differential equations. These run over a given time and then print 
either a graph or the plot points or both (depending on my needs).

An example of the code is:



time = 500;

SmV = -80;

PD2mnax0[PD2u_] := 1/(1 + Exp[-(PD2u + 24.7)/5.29]);

PD2hnax0[PD2u_] := 1/(1 + Exp[(PD2u + 48.9)/5.18]);

PD2mk10x[PD2u_] := 1/(1 + Exp[-(PD2u + 14.2)/11.8]);

PD2taumnax[PD2u_] := 1.32 - 1.26/(1 + Exp[-(PD2u + 120)/25]);

PD2tauhnax[PD2u_] := (0.67/(1 + Exp[-(PD2u + 62.9)/10]))*(1.5 + 1/(1 + Exp[(

PD2u + 34.9)/3.6]));

PD2taumk1[PD2u_] := 7.2 - 6.4/(1 + Exp[-(PD2u + 28.3)/19.2]);

solution = NDSolve[{

PD2mnax'[t] == (PD2mnax0[PD2z[t]] - PD2mnax[t])*(1/

PD2taumnax[PD2z[t]]), PD2mnax[0] == PD2mnax0[-80]*(1/

PD2taumnax[-80]), PD2hnax'[t] == (PD2hnax0[PD2z[t]] - PD2hnax[


t]]), PD2hnax[

0] == PD2hnax0[-80]*(1/PD2tauhnax[-80]),

PD2mkx'[t] == (PD2mk10x[PD2z[t]] - \


PD2mkx[0] == PD2mk10x[-80]*(1/PD2taumk1[-80]), PD2z'[t] == (-1*(0

+ 1*1100*(PD2mnax[t]^3)*PD2hnax[t]*(PD2z[t] - 50)

+ 1*150*(PD2mkx[t]^4)*(PD2z[t] + 80)

+ 1*0.00081*(PD2z[t] + 50)



PD2z[0] == SmV


{PD2z, PD2mnax,

PD2hnax, PD2mkx}, {t, 0, time}, Method -> Automatic, MaxSteps -> \


ParametricPlot[Evaluate[{t, PD2z[

t]} /. solution], {t, 0, time},

PlotPoints -> time, PlotRange -> {-80, 50}, PlotLabel -> "PD Axon"];


mkw = Table[0, {time-1}];





This produces what looks like a flat line on a graph.

I need to run this file several times changing the variable SmV. Can I 
encapsulate the whole thing in a function? I have tried but it doesn't work.

fun[]:= (SmV;




out- fun[-80]

Thank you

David Fourie

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