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Wacky Font Substitution in .eps Export

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90584] Wacky Font Substitution in .eps Export
  • From: jfuite at
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 05:23:07 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Mathematica Adepts,

I am creating some graphics for Export to an .eps file.  It seems that
font embedding is an issue discussed in the past on the forums.  What
about suprious font substitutions?

The following statement produces the expected simple graphic:


It is sort of a sample of the keyboard, all in, one would expect, the
common font, "Times".

When this graphic is passed through the function, Export, as an .eps
file, Export["deleteMe.eps", %], and opened in any other program, then
some of the common special characters are missing, with blanks in
their place:


At least one of the programs complained about a missing Mathematica
font.  But why is a Mathematica font being used when I asked for
Times?  How can I work around this?  I especially want to use brackets
in graphics.

Thanks for any advice in advance.

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