MathGroup Archive 2008

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Re: Mathematica and "Ruby on Rails"

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90618] Re: Mathematica and "Ruby on Rails"
  • From: Gustavo Delfino <gdelfino at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 06:29:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <g51uks$73s$>

On Jul 10, 3:59 am, Bruce Colletti <bwcolle... at>ZZ wrote:
> Re Mathematica 6.0.2 under MacOS 10.5.
> After a Ruby on Rails program has updated an SQL database such as MySQL, =
andRubyhas piped a "start" command to a Mathematica kernel, how would Mathe=
matica respond to letRubyknow it had finished working on a calculation and =
updated the database?
> Thankx.
> Bruce

Bruce, I don't think that many people here use Mathematica and Ruby on
Rails. I use both, but so far I have not connected them. The closest I
have done it to generate a text file from a ruby script and then read
the data in Mathematica. It would be great to be able to use RoR
models directly in Mathematica.

Could you explain in more detail what you are trying to accomplish?


Gustavo Delfino
Caracas, Venezuela

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