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Re: Spreadsheet like input

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90711] Re: Spreadsheet like input
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 06:34:28 -0400 (EDT)

On 7/19/08 at 4:48 AM, i.devillares at (Ignacio De Villares)

>Please, where can I learn about entering data into Mathematica's
>front end by means of a "spreadsheet looking" grid (of course,
>whithout further external software) ?

The only things I know in Mathematica that look like a
spreadsheet would be the creation of a table or matrix.

You can get a template for either by using the menu item Insert->Table/Matr=

You can add rows using cntrl-return or add columns using cntrl-,
Note, these are Mac keyboard shortcuts. Shortcuts for Windows or
another operating system are likely somewhat different.

An alternative for using the menu item above would be to have
the Basic Math Input palette open and click on the box showing a
2 x 2 matrix template. I like this alternative better since the
result has the first element highlighted which accepts the next
keystroke as an entry. In contrast, the first method has none of
the cells highlighted, requiring you to select one before you
can start inputting data.

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