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Installing Personal Package Documentation not showing up

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90702] Installing Personal Package Documentation not showing up
  • From: Tyler <hayes.tyler at>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 06:32:48 -0400 (EDT)

Hello All:

I have recently purchased Mathematica 6 and have installed two
packages successfully, including their documentation. However, I tried
to follow the same routine for another suite of Notebooks I would like
to view via the "Installed AddOns Link" in the Documentation Centre,
but no dice.

Here is what I have done.

(1) I created a directory: /usr/share/Mathematica/Applications/

(2) I installed the *.nb files in there.

(3) Went to the Documentation Centre and Installed AddOns.

Not there.

What is weird is that I did the exact same thing for the files from
the text Mathematica Navigator. It shows up in the Documentation no
problem. As far as I can reckon, there must be a special tag or file
that indicates that it should be found by the Installed Add-Ons.

Any ideas? I keep finding links that suggest to "rebuild the help
index". Unfortunately, that seems to be a deprecated function from an
earlier version of Mathematica. I have also notice a "Browser
Categories.m" file in the documentation for the Time Series package
that shows up. Perhaps that is what I need? Any ideas how to generate
one of those?

Any ideas or links that I've not found yet would be a huge help.



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