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Re: Can you help me rewrite my matlab code to mathematica code?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90709] Re: Can you help me rewrite my matlab code to mathematica code?
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2008 06:34:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • References: <g5s9t5$54e$>

djliu2006 at wrote:

> Rectntly, i wrote a code using matlab. in the code written by me, i
> use a function erf(x), while the x used by me is complex arguments, so
> the matlab cannot give the results. i realized that the mathematica can
> realize this. I'm a green hand in Mathematica, so I cannot rewrite my
> matlab code to Mathematica. the matlab code written by me is attached
> in  "";.
> is there anyone can help me rewrite the code using Mathematica.


Hum, the code you posted on this forum is not in -- not even close to -- 
Mathematica syntax, so one may wonder if you even try to write anything 
by yourself...

To help you started, the erf function is *Erf[z]* in Mathematica and it 
works over the complex field.

     In[1]:= Erf[1.5 - I]

     Out[1]= 1.0784+ 0.0279637 I

Also, in addition to the introductory material available with any 
standard installation of Mathematica, you should read the following 
short articles:

"How are the different brackets, such as {}, [], and () used in 

"Why doesn't sin[x] work in Mathematica?"

"What is the difference between =, ==, === in Mathematica?"

"Why aren't my assignments and function definitions working?"

-- Jean-Marc

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