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BEST Viewpoints: New third-party Mathematica application for data analysis

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90925] BEST Viewpoints: New third-party Mathematica application for data analysis
  • From: Wolfram Research <newsdesk at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 03:51:15 -0400 (EDT)

BEST Viewpoints is a new third-party application package, the 
first that can run entirely on Mathematica Player Pro. This data 
analysis software is designed to combine the best data 
manipulation and analysis capabilities found in spreadsheets and 
database languages.

Key characteristics:
* Offers a highly intuitive interface that requires no 
programming skills
* Has no software limits on dataset size
* Provides powerful number crunching
* Analyzes datasets of numbers, strings, graphics, and symbols 
(text mining capabilities)
* Utilizes highly efficient categorical data analysis
* Imports data and merges many datasets by combining any of the
following: databases, xls, csv, txt
* Exports output to csv, xls, gif, Metafile

Developed and supported by Pronto Analytics Inc., BEST Viewpoints 
requires Mathematica 6 or Mathematica Player Pro and is available 
for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

For more information about BEST Viewpoints, visit:

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