A question about N[...]
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg89395] A question about N[...]
- From: "wyelen at gmail.com" <wyelen at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 02:32:28 -0400 (EDT)
Recently I came across a puzzling problem which I believed to be related to the function N. My platform is Mathematica 6.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit). When calculating the following integral, I got different results from Integrate & NIntegrate: In[1]:= Integrate[BesselJ[0, 2.405 * r]^2, {r, 0, 20}] Out[1]= 0. In[2]:= NIntegrate[BesselJ[0, 2.405 * r]^2, {r, 0, 20}] Out[2]= 0.864755 Guessing a problem caused by numerical number 2.405, I rewrote it as an exact number: In[3]:= Integrate[BesselJ[0, (2 + 405/1000)*r]^2, {r, 0, 20}] Out[3]= 20*HypergeometricPFQ[{1/2, 1/2}, {1, 1, 3/2}, - (231361/100)] then evaluated the numerical value, which was surprisingly still 0.: In[4]:= N[%] Out[4]= 0. but evaluating with 6-digit precision gave the same result as NIntegrate: In[5]:= N[%%,6] Out[5]= 0.864755 In help page for N it said "N[expr] is equivalent to N[expr,MachinePrecision]", but evaluating with a approximate precision didn't gave 0.: In[6]:= N[MachinePrecision] Out[6]= 15.9546 In[7]:= N[%3,15.9546] Out[7]= 0.8647551857405188 I wonder is this caused by the function N ,or whether I should just turn to another OS (say Linux) and things will go well. Thanks a lot for your reply!
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: A question about N[...]
- From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz@mimuw.edu.pl>
- Re: A question about N[...]
- From: "W_Craig Carter" <ccarter@mit.edu>
- Re: A question about N[...]