Re: Apply function to parts of a list
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg86269] Re: Apply function to parts of a list
- From: Xerxes <saul.cohen at>
- Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 02:28:51 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fqo8pn$svq$>
On Mar 6, 3:08 am, guerom00 <guero... at> wrote: > Right now, I write : > > MapAt[2*#&,data,Table[{i,1},{i,1,Length[data]}]] > > It's OK but I isn't there another way to achieve this as I find this rather "involved" for such a simple thing ? Hello, I also found this problematic, so I made a little helper function: myMapAt::usage="myMapAt[f,expr,{i,j,\[Ellipsis]}] applies function f to the parts of expr at positions specified by {i,j,\[Ellipsis]}. Unlike MapAt, the position specification may include List, Span and All."; myMapAt[f_,x_,pos_List] := MapAt[f,x, If[FreeQ[Unique[dummy]@@pos,All| List|Span], pos, Cases[Array[{##}&,Take[Dimensions[x],Length[pos]]], List@@Append[(Unique[dummy]@@pos) /. {All->HoldPattern[_], {ii__}:>Alternatives[ii], Span[ii__]:>Alternatives@@(Range@@({ii}/.All- >Max[Dimensions[x]]))}, HoldPattern[___]],\[Infinity]]]] myMapAt[f_,x_,pos_]:=myMapAt[f,x,{pos}] The usage you want would then be myMapAt[2 # &, data, {All, 1}] Hope that helps. Bug reports appreciated.