Re: Create pdf document from graphics
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg86382] Re: Create pdf document from graphics
- From: ragfield <ragfield at>
- Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:02:08 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fr0crv$er9$>
On Mar 9, 5:06 gam, "L. Dwynn Lafleur" <lafl... at> wrote: > [$Version = 6.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 7, 2008) ] > > Is it possible to export a list of Graphics to create a PDF document in > which each graphic appears on one page of the document? gI tried > > Export["document.pdf", Table[Plot[x^n, {x, 0, 1}], {n, 1, 3}]] > > but got a PDF file with all three Graphics appearing as a list on a single > page. gI suspect I need to add an "elements" parameter to the statement, but > I can't figure what it should be. This is possible, but it's not as easy as it should be. The steps are roughly as follows: * Put each of the graphics in a separate cell in a new notebook. * Add a page break below each graphic cell * Set up some printing options for that notebook. * Depending on your OS, use the Page Setup dialog to set a custom paper size for the notebook. * Use NotebookPrint[] or File > Save As > PDF Everything except for the system page setup dialog can be automated. Here's an example: nb = CreateDocument[ Table[Cell[BoxData@ToBoxes[Plot[x^n, {x, 0, 1}]], PageBreakBelow -> True], {n, 1, 3}], ShowPageBreaks -> True, PrintingOptions -> {"PaperSize" -> {560, 460}, "PageSize" -> {560, 460}, "FirstPageHeader" -> False, "FirstPageFooter" -> False, "RestPagesHeader" -> False, "RestPagesFooter" -> False}, Magnification -> 1.0] (* at this point use the Page Setup dialog to change to a custom paper size of 7.78" wide x 6.39" high *) NotebookPrint[nb, "/tmp/example.pdf"] -Rob