- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg86412] Paclets
- From: Kowalczyk-Schröder <HB-Kowalczyk-Schroeders at>
- Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:55:01 -0500 (EST)
My too :-((( I was awaiting new version with the big hope, that the problem with paclets could be solved in it. But it is not!!! I have heared, that this problem occures on Czech version of Windows XP only. When somebody tries to download any paclet data, it says, that there is problem with Internet connectivity. For example: In[1]:= ChemicalData["Caffeine"] ChemicalData::dlfail: Internet download of data for ChemicalData \ failed. Use Help > Internet Connectivity... to test or reconfigure \ internet connectivity. >> Out[1]= $Failed But internet connectivity on that machine is realy OK and also tests in Help/Internet connectivity are OK. I can test it, and already have tested it with and without proxy on our network and it is always the same. Does anybody have the same problem on other language versions of Windows XP? Does anybody know any workaround? I know, that paclet data are not so essential for pure mathematics, but as we are highschool and have bought universal license of M6, we have many more applications for Mathematica which are realy dependent on paclets. Thanks for any help Jakub I have exactly the same problems with the German version of XP (Mathematica Version 6.0.1) and reported this already once to the forum several month ago. Regards J. Schroeder ############################ Dr. Joerg Schroeder Mozartstrasse 20 28203 Bremen 0421-3387021