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Re: The FinancialData Function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87018] Re: [mg86952] The FinancialData Function
  • From: robert prince-wright <robertprincewright at>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 04:22:54 -0500 (EST)

  I called Wolfram and asked the same question. 
  I gather the FinancialData[] information is taken from data packlets on a Yahoo server, and other sources. This funtion has the potential to be VERY usefull to small enterprises and individuals like me who don't have access to realtime equities data. Now, I've tried to use FD to monitor the performance of my stock portfolio and ran into problems with some of the international (Canada, Australia etc.) stocks. While this was frustrating I was able to get information on all my US and most of my internationals.
  I presume you have looked at the Help Documentation and at the Wolfram Site - it gives enough to make a good start, but there seems to be a mismatch between the functionality of FinancialData[] and information available at the servers. This means you can make calls and get nothing back. In that regard the documentation could be improved.
  Now one caveat. I am not so sure - having spoken to WRI - that they realise there should be some obligation on their part to maintain FinancialData as a core function in Mathematica. Their tech suppport gave me the impression that FD is being trialed and that its continuance was to some degree dependent on their having free (or cheap) access to the data servers. This scared me a little since I have already spent significant amounts of time writing my portfolio tracker and I can imagine there are small enterprises out there who are doing the same. It seems like WRI could leave us stranded if they don't continue to provide this function in Mathematica. 
  BTW - the inclusion of Curated Knowledge like FD into Mathematica 6. is pretty stunning. I am sure McKinsey and Co would have charged me a few hundred thousand dollars to write my portfolio tracker - instead I spend a  few evening a week for a month and bingo I am getting the same information tha Charles Schab gives me plus the ability to analyze - well done WRI ! 
  I would be intereseted to hear from others.
Gregory Lypny <gregory.lypny at> wrote:
  Can anyone tell me where I can get more information about the data 
sources for Mathematica's new function FinancialData?



Robert Prince-Wright
TX, 77006
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Robert Prince-Wright
TX, 77006

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