- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg88328] Locator
- From: Ekta Obheroi <ektaobheroi at yahoo.ca>
- Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 03:41:16 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Everyone, Very recently I started using Mathematica with the hopes of accomplishing the following. I have had some progress by using extensively the documentation center, however, any help will be really appreciated. I have 2 questions in particular and have described them below: I have created 3 notebooks with the following command: lst = Table[ NotebookCreate[WindowSize -> {240, 240}, WindowTitle -> "new", WindowMargins -> {{RandomInteger[{0, 100}], Automatic}, { Automatic, RandomInteger[{0, 50}]}}], {3}]; >From all the open notebooks I get the 3 newly generated notebooks and get their locations. The following command does work however, it gives me a red symbol in Mathematica which I assume means that something is missing. Any ideas as to what is missing?: newlst=Map[WindowMargins /. Options@# &, Select[Notebooks[], StringMatchQ[("WindowTitle" /. NotebookInformation[#]), "new"] &]] I then retrieve the notebook locations for the 3 notebooks. coord = Map[({#[[1, 1]], #[[2, 2]] }) &, newlst] Finally, I want to create locators for each of the above notebooks, such that when I move the locators the notebooks are moved. In other words, the {x,y} position of the locators is mapped to the WindowMargins of that particular notebook. I have successfully created the locators but I have no clue how to map the locators such that the notebooks are moved. Below is the code for it: DynamicModule[{pt = new1}, LocatorPane[Dynamic[pt], Dynamic@ ListPlot[pt, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotRange -> {{0, 100}, {0, 50}}]]] I can move the locators, but with the moving of locators I need to the move corresponding notebook. Any help would be of great help Thanks in advance, Ekta