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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg88376] Options
  • From: tommcd <TCMcDermott at>
  • Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 06:17:23 -0400 (EDT)

>From reading up on options in the documentation centre and this news
I think there are at least two ways for dealing with options given in
the form of rules.

(1) The current (documented) method for using options is to use
so given a list of options for a function f[x_,
opts:OptionsPattern[]] ;
 Options[f]={ optA-> A0, optB->B0, ....}
 and using f[x, optA->a]              see function "new" below
then within f the actual values {a,b,...} for the options can be given
{a, b, ...} = OptionValue[#] & /@ {optA, optB, ...};
This is probably an improvement over the previous  methods,
(2) {a, b, ...} = {optA, optB, ...} /. {opts} /. Options[f]
     where fis defined as f[x_, opts : ___]    see function "old"
         or the undocumented variant
          {a, b,...} = {optA, optB, ...} /. Flatten[{opts,
      with    f[x_, opts : ___?OptionQ]      see function "old2" below

      However I'm looking for advice on how to deal with more general
options of the form
      optC->{C0,optD->D0} such as for example

      NMinimize[{Sin[x] + .5 x, -10 <= x <= 10}, {x},
          Method -> {"RandomSearch", "PostProcess" ->

 I'd like to see some example code demonstrating how such options are

When an option such as this is passed to "new","old" & "old2" below
appears OptionValue and the other methods cannot be used to pick out
 these "interior" options automatically
so I assume further parsing is required but am wondering if
 there are already standard ways of doing this.
 I considered something like
 FlattenRules[rules : OptionsPattern[]] := Flatten[
  rules //.
    (a_ -> {m : (_ -> _) ..}) -> m,
    (a_ -> {x_, m : (_ -> _) ..}) -> {a -> x, m}
  used in the function "test" below, but this is not very general.
  I ask this because I've recently converted an implementation of Shor
minimization, SolvOpt
  (The original author has provided Fortran,C& other code at
  )  to Mathematica. I want to make this version publicly available
but i like to
  give it a Mathematica  look and feel first. Currently the options
are passed via
  an array of real values in the style of C/Fortran but I'd like to
make it behave
  in a similar way to NMinimize.

  Tom McDermott

In[2]:= Options[new] =
 Options[old] =
  Options[old2] =
   Options[test] = {optA -> A0, optB -> B0, optC -> {C0, optD -> D0}}

Out[2]= {optA -> A0, optB -> B0, optC -> {C0, optD -> D0}}

In[3]:= FlattenRules[rules : OptionsPattern[]] := Flatten[
  rules //.
    (a_ -> {m : (_ -> _) ..}) -> m,
    (a_ -> {x_, m : (_ -> _) ..}) -> {a -> x, m}

In[4]:= FlattenRules[{optA -> A0, optB -> {B0, B1},
  optC -> {optD -> D0, optE -> eeee}, optC -> {D0, optE -> eeee}}]

Out[4]= {optA -> A0, optB -> {B0, B1}, optD -> D0, optE -> eeee,
 optC -> D0, optE -> eeee}

In[5]:= new[x_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{a, b, c, d},
  {a, b, c, d} = OptionValue[#] & /@ {optA, optB, optC, optD};
  Print["{a,b,c,d}=", {a, b, c, d}];
  Print["opts = ", opts];

In[6]:= old[x_, opts : ___] := Module[{a, b, c, d},
  {a, b, c, d} = {optA, optB, optC, optD} /. {opts} /. Options[old];
  Print["{a,b,c,d}=", {a, b, c, d}];
  Print["opts = ", opts];

In[7]:= old2[x_, opts : ___?OptionQ] := Module[{a, b, c, d},
  {a, b, c, d} = {optA, optB, optC, optD} /.
    Flatten[{opts, Options[old2]}];
  Print["{a,b,c,d}=", {a, b, c, d}];
  Print["opts = ", opts];
  Print["Flatten[{opts,Options[old2]}] = ",
   Flatten[{opts, Options[old2]}]];

In[8]:= test[x_, opts : ___?OptionQ] := Module[{a, b, c, d},
  {a, b, c, d} = {optA, optB, optC, optD} /.
    FlattenRules[{opts, Options[test]}];
  Print["{a,b,c,d}=", {a, b, c, d}];
  Print["opts = ", opts];
  Print["     Flatten[{opts,Options[test]}] = ",
   Flatten[{opts, Options[test]}]];
  Print["FlattenRules[{opts,Options[test]}] = ",
   FlattenRules[{opts, Options[test]}]];

In[9]:= new[x, optA -> aaa, optC -> {ccc, optD -> ddd}]

During evaluation of In[9]:= OptionValue::optnf: Option name optD not
found in defaults for new. >>

During evaluation of In[9]:= {a,b,c,d}={aaa,B0,{ccc,optD->ddd},optD}

During evaluation of In[9]:= opts = optA->aaaoptC->{ccc,optD->ddd}

In[10]:= old[x, A -> aaa, C -> {ccc, D -> ddd}]

During evaluation of In[10]:= {a,b,c,d}={A0,B0,{C0,optD->D0},optD}

During evaluation of In[10]:= opts = A->aaaC->{ccc,D->ddd}

In[11]:= old2[x, optA -> aaa, optC -> {ccc, optD -> ddd}]

During evaluation of In[11]:= {a,b,c,d}={aaa,B0,{ccc,optD->ddd},optD}

During evaluation of In[11]:= opts = optA->aaaoptC->{ccc,optD->ddd}

During evaluation of In[11]:= Flatten[{opts,Options[old2]}] = \

In[12]:= test[x, optA -> aaa, optC -> {ccc, optD -> ddd}]

During evaluation of In[12]:= {a,b,c,d}={aaa,B0,ccc,ddd}

During evaluation of In[12]:= opts = optA->aaaoptC->{ccc,optD->ddd}

During evaluation of In[12]:=      Flatten[{opts,Options[test]}] = \

During evaluation of In[12]:= FlattenRules[{opts,Options[test]}] = \

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