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Re: Eliminating common factors?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93328] Re: [mg93299] Eliminating common factors?
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 06:16:28 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: hanlonr at

In the simple form provided, just about any command that touches it will work. Without the actual expression there is no way to help.

expr = 4 (a/4 + b/(4 c))

4*(a/4 + b/(4*c))

expr // Simplify

a + b/c

expr // Apart

a + b/c

expr // Expand

a + b/c

expr // ExpandAll

a + b/c

expr // Cancel // Apart

a + b/c

expr // Together // Apart

a + b/c

expr // Factor // Apart

a + b/c

Bob Hanlon

---- AES <siegman at> wrote: 

I have a simple, totally algebraic symbolic calculation that displays 
its output in the form (rewritten here using TeX notation)

      4 ( {a \over 4 } + { b \over 4 c } )

where a, b and c are fairly simple products of purely algebraic 
quantities; \over is the TeX notation for a display fraction; and the 
curly brackets are just for TeX purposes and are not there in the actual 

Is there any Assumption for Simplify, or any other _simple_ way, to get 
rid of those (utterly!!!) superfluous 4's?

[I suppose the real question is, why doesn't M cancel 'em the hell out 
in the first place?!?!]


Bob Hanlon

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