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Re: Create a cumulative list

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93359] Re: [mg93346] Create a cumulative list
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 04:52:09 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: hanlonr at

ValueList = {0.0032833, -0.000654511, -0.0065494, 
   0.00103598, -0.00112899, 0.00386173, 0.00365922, 
   0.00551557, -0.0138527, 0.00471387, 
   0.00497326, -0.00140056, -0.00187003, -0.0195785, -0.00210204, \
-0.00900038, 0.000289855, 0.000289771, -0.00135187, 0.00386772};

Fold[If[Abs[#2] > 0.002, Append[#1, 0], 
   Append[#1, Last[#1] + #2]] &, {}, ValueList]


Bob Hanlon

---- philipp <cadieux_jp at> wrote: 

Hi to all,

I have a problem creating a program in Mathematica and I can't find
how to do it. Actually, I found a way to find my answer, but it takes
59 lines ... and I need this kind of thing 4 times.

So here is my problem. I have a list of values let's say ValueList =
What I want is Compilation = {1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45} created in
adding Compilation[[1]] with ValueList[[2]] to create
Compilation[[2]]. In the same way, Compilation[[7]] = Compilation[[6]]
+ ValueList[[7]].

If that wasn't enough, I need to add a difficulty to that. If, at any
time, a value of Compilation[[i]] is bigger that XYZ, then that
Compilation[[i]] should be equal to 0.

To help you understand (sorry but English is not my first language and
explaining it in my first language is already tough), here is the
results I am looking for.

My ValueList = {0.0032833, -0.000654511, -0.0065494, 0.00103598,
-0.00112899, 0.00386173, 0.00365922, 0.00551557, -0.0138527,
0.00471387, 0.00497326, -0.00140056, -0.00187003, -0.0195785,
-0.00210204, -0.00900038, 0.000289855, 0.000289771, -0.00135187,
My Compilation = {0, -0.000654511, 0, 0.00103598, -0.0000930101, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, -0.00140056, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.000289855, 0.000579626,
-0.000772247, 0}
and the additionnal criteria is >0.002 and <-0.002  (or >0.002 in
absolute value)

If anyone can help me please.



Bob Hanlon

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