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PDE problem with Wentzell-Robin boundary condition: wrong solution without any warning

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93505] PDE problem with Wentzell-Robin boundary condition: wrong solution without any warning
  • From: "Ingolf Dahl" <f9aid at>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 06:46:35 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: University of Gothenburg
  • Reply-to: <ingolf.dahl at>

Dear Mathematica Friends, 

October 30 this year, Matteo Calabrese posted a question, (PDE heat equation
(inconsisten problem)), which I already have answered. Since I am
collaborating with Giovanni Barbero on a related liquid crystal problem, I
have looked a bit further. In the problem Matteo Calabrese posted, NDSolve
claimed inconsistency between the initial and the boundary conditions. I got
the idea to present to NDSolve nice consistent initial and boundary
conditions, starting at time t=-1. Then I let the system evolve, and check
what will happen if I change boundary conditions at time t=0. Will NDSolve
still claim inconsistency? At time t=0 there should not be any difference
between the case that I have let the system evolve since t=-1, or the case
that I specify a new initial condition to be the result of the evolution
since t=-1. Thus this could shed some light upon the initial-boundary


My approach to this problem is that of a mathematical experimentalist. Maybe
some mathematical theorist in MathGroup could provide more information about
this problem. I hope so. My feeling for the problem is that it maybe was
solved already 1850 or at least 1920.


Imagine a rod, one end kept constant at temperature zero, the other end in
contact with a surrounding media.


First I tried with a smooth transition around t=0, in the following way


te[t_, p_] := 10. + 10*(2/Pi)*ArcTan[p*Tan[t*Pi/2]];

 (* te is surrounding temperature, changing from zero at t==-1 to 20. at
t==1, and p is a smoothness parameter, giving sharp transitions for high
values  of p. *)


p =.; eq = {\!\(

\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \(x, x\)]\(T[x, t]\)\) == \!\(

\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \(t\)]\(T[x,t]\)\)};

(*Fourier's heat equation 1D*)

(*Initial condition*)

ic = {T[x, -1] == 0.};

(*Boundary Condition*)

bc1 = {T[0, t] == 0.};

(*dirichlet condition*)

bc2 = {Derivative[1, 0][T][1., t] == - (T[1., t] - te[t, p])}; 

(* Wentzell-Robin condition, is this the correct name? *)


p=10000; (* For this p value, the temperature transition is quite sharp *)



(* This evaluates without warning. We might plot the solution, and will then
see a plausible solution *)


Plot3D[T[x, t] /. sol1, {x, 0, 1}, {t, -1, 1}]


(* We can see that the x-derivative of T[x,t] is almost discontinuous at
x==1, t==0 *)




Plot3D[ND[T[x, t] /. sol1, x, x0], {x0, 0, 1}, {t, -1, 1}]


Now we make a sharp transition in surrounding temperature instead:


te[t_] := 20*UnitStep[t];


eq = {\!\(

\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \(x, x\)]\(T[x, t]\)\) == \!\(

\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \(t\)]\(T[x,t]\)\)};

(*Fourier's heat equation 1D*)

(*Initial condition*)

ic = {T[x, -1] == 0.};

(*Boundary Condition*)

bc1 = {T[0, t] == 0.};

(*dirichlet condition*)

bc2 = {Derivative[1, 0][T][1., t] == - (T[1., t] - te[t])};


sol2 = NDSolve[{Join[eq, ic, bc1, bc2]}, 

  T[x, t], {x, 0, 1}, {t, -1, 1}];


Plot3D[T[x, t] /. sol2, {x, 0, 1}, {t, -1, 1}]


The evaluation is without any warning, but the plot shows a function, which
is completely flat and evidently very wrong! 


It is reasonable to assume that the two solutions should be similar. I think
that Mathematica here completely misses the discontinuity of the
x-derivative of T[x,t] at x==1, t==0 , and that the problems Matteo
Calabrese had was related to this. Any comments?


Ingolf Dahl


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