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Re: Mathematica 7.0 slow on OS X

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93778] Re: Mathematica 7.0 slow on OS X
  • From: jsk618 at
  • Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 07:19:45 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <ggdqpu$k0$>

On Nov 24, 4:06 am, "Matthias Gottschalk" <mg... at>
> I just tried Mathematica 7.0
> In comparison to Mathematica 6.0.3, 7.0 seems to be by
> factor of 2 slower under OS X.
> When I run the "Mathematica Benchmark Test Mathematica 6.0" from
> Karl UnterKofler I get for
> Mathematica 6.0.3: Benchmark = 0.97038
> and for
> Mathematica 7.0: Benchmark = 0.471266
> The numbers obtained by Mathematica#s own
> BenchmarkReport[] are comparable, however: 1.88 vs. 1.91.
> If 7.0 is really so much slower on a Mac as indicated by
> the UnterKofler test, then is hardly good news.
> So, what is your experience?
> Matt
> (numbers were generated on a MacBook Pro 2.2 GHz Intel
> Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.5.5)

I am having similar results with Mathematica 7 on Windows XP (HP
laptop, AMD Athlon 64 2.2GHz, 1.25 GB RAM)

Version 6.0.1: Benchmark = .649
Version 7.0.0: Benchmark = .326

   The main culprit is the next-to-last test (Binomial[m, k]) which
jumps from 25.4s to 376.7s. Since the first 10 tests show an
improvement and 4 of the last 5 are slower, I suspected a memory
problem. However, free memory never drops below 300MB during the test,
and there is essentially no disk activity, so it's not a lack of
physical memory but probably an issue with Mathematica itself.

   Also, the results with MathematicaMark seem dismal, lower than
several computers which should be slower. I do not currently have
Version 6 installed to compare it to, though.

John Keith

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