Re: FindFit, Weibull
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg92910] Re: FindFit, Weibull
- From: Ray Koopman <koopman at>
- Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 06:24:51 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <gd703r$i8a$>
On Oct 16, 2:04 am, P_ter <petervansumme... at> wrote: > I found some data which seemed to fit a WeibullDistribution. The data are: > pr= {16, 34, 53, 75, 93, 120}; > After adding the median rank to the data: > praxis={{16, 0.109101}, {34, 0.26445}, {53, 0.421407}, {75, 0.578593}, {93, 0.73555}, {120, 0.890899}}; > I checked with LeastSquares the parameters: > \[Alpha]=1.4301;\[Beta] = 76.318. > So far ok. > But the following did not work: > fit2 = {a, b} /. FindFit[praxis, CDF[WeibullDistribution[a, b], x], {a ,b}, {x}] > > So, I used the parameters in the Weibull CDF and the times from pr to get: > praxis1= {{16, 0.106157}, {34, 0.27559}, {53, 0.451308}, {75, 0.623149}, {93, 0.73256}, {120, 0.848082}} > (something went wrong with editing, so maybe I sent a by accident an unfinished message) > I checked with FindFit and it worked. But then I gave extra some variations: > praxis2 = {#, RandomReal[{0.95, 1.05}] CDF[WeibullDistribution[1.4, 76.318], #]} & /@ pr; > fit4 = {a,b} /. FindFit[praxis2, CDF[WeibullDistribution[a,b], x], {a,b}, {x}] > After a few times trying the two above lines FindFit did not work. > It could be ok. But it seems to me that FindFit with a such a small relative variation in the data from 0.95 to 1.05 should still work. > How can I use FindFit in the case of praxis in a safe way? > Thanks in advance. > P_ter For parameters that must be positive, I routinely solve for their logs, without constraints, and then exponentiate, as in the following code. The values differ only trivially from those that Darren got using constraints. Block[{a,b}, {a,b} = {Exp@a,Exp@b} /. FindFit[praxis, CDF[WeibullDistribution[Exp@a,Exp@b],x],{{a,0},{b,4}},{x}]; Plot[CDF[WeibullDistribution[a,b],x],{x,0,140}, Frame->True, PlotRange->{-.0001,1}, Prolog->{PointSize[.02], Point/@praxis}]; {Norm[CDF[WeibullDistribution[a,b],praxis[[All,1]]] - praxis[[All,2]]], {a,b}}] <<plot omitted>> {0.0567336,{1.52052,77.4768}} However, I have to wonder about your choice of a distribution. Adding a shift parameter, that for this data puts time-zero some time before you started your clock, reduces the rms error by 40%. Does this make any sense in terms of the problem? Block[{a,b,c}, {a,b,c} = {Exp@a,Exp@b,c} /. FindFit[praxis, CDF[WeibullDistribution[Exp@a,Exp@b],x+c],{{a,0},{b,4},{c,0}},{x}]; Plot[CDF[WeibullDistribution[a,b],x+c],{x,0,140}, Frame->True, PlotRange->{-.0001,1}, Prolog->{PointSize[.02], Point/@praxis}]; {Norm[CDF[WeibullDistribution[a,b],praxis[[All,1]]+c] - praxis[[All,2]]], {a,b,c}}] <<plot omitted>> {0.0340676, {2.32031, 107.905, 28.9873}}