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Re: Controlling the order of evaluations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93039] Re: Controlling the order of evaluations
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:31:58 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization:
  • References: <gdms84$en$>

Hi Andres,


f[x_]:=If[NumericQ[x],1,Print["Not numeric"]];


you will see that Plot first calls f with a non numerical argument. This 

is done to check if the evaluation of f can be speed up. To prevent 

this, you simply define f only for numerical arguments like:


f[x_?NumericQ]:=If[NumericQ[x],1,Print["Not numeric"]];


hope this helps, Daniel

anguzman at wrote:

> Hello:

> Several times I have faced similar problems to this one:


> Suppose I have a function f[x,y] well defined only in numbers, I mean, 

> it drops errors if I try to evaluate symbols. You could suppose that 

> is a function that include numerical integration in its definition...


> What I want to do is plotting several curves f[x,y1], f[x,y2],...f[x,yn]

> with x as abscissa for specific (and fixed) values of y in the same plot.


> So, what I always end up trying is something like:



> Plot[f[x,#]&/@{y1,y2,....,yn},{x,a,b}]



> Mathematica (5.2 Version for Windows) complains but finally interprets 

> correctly what I meant and does the plot correctly (sometimes)with all 

> the curves , but this errors are annoying. They are always of the form:


> \" bla bla.. f[x,y1] is not numerical at ....\"




> I would be very gratefull if somebody could explain me (or just give 

> the solution to this thing) the correct order of Holds, HoldFirsts, 

> HoldPatterns , Evaluate , Unevaluated etc... that make Mathematica 

> happy.

> By the way, I already tried:

> Plot[Evaluate[f[x,#]&/@{y1,y2,....,yn}],{x,a,b}]

> but didn=B4t work.


> I=B4ll give an specific example:


> f[x_, y_] := NIntegrate[2^(s*x), {s, 0, y}]


> Plot[Evaluate[f[x, #] & /@ {2, 3, 4, 5}], {x, 0.5, 1.5}]


> Generates the 4 curves after giving errors like:


> \"NIntegrate::\"inum\" \"Integrand 2^(s*x) is not numerical at s = 1. \"


> So what I want to do is that the x of the Plotting evaluation enters 

> f[x,y] before f even sees the x and start freaking out.


> Thanks in advance


> Atte. Andres Guzman


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Daniel Huber

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