Adding Legend to a ListDensityPlot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg91899] Adding Legend to a ListDensityPlot
- From: Buz Barstow <buzb at>
- Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 05:27:21 -0400 (EDT)
Dear All, As a follow up to my previous question, I'd like to add a legend to a ListDensityPlot in Mathematica 6.0. I've able to do this with ShowLegend, using this command Show[ ShowLegend[ ListDensityPlot[ distanceDifferenceData, PerformanceGoal -> "Normal", Mesh -> Automatic, LabelStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> 10}, ColorFunction -> "ThermometerColors", DataRange -> {{-2, 230}, {-2, 230}}, ColorFunctionScaling -> True, FrameLabel -> {Style["Residue Number", FontWeight -> Bold], Style["Residue Number", FontWeight -> Bold]} ], {ColorData["ThermometerColors"][1 - #1] &, 25, ">0.4", "<-0.6", LegendBorder -> {Black}, LegendPosition -> {1.1, -0.4}, LegendTextSpace -> 5, LegendBorderSpace -> 3, LegendShadow -> {0., 0.}} ], ImageSize -> {400, Automatic}] However, I'd really like to display the text in the legend in Helvetica, as in the rest of the plot. I've tried: {ColorData["ThermometerColors"][1 - #1] &, 25, Style[">0.4",FontFamily- >"Helvetica"], Style["<-0.6",FontFamily->"Helvetica"], LegendBorder -> {Black}, LegendPosition -> {1.1, -0.4}, LegendTextSpace -> 5, LegendBorderSpace -> 3, LegendShadow -> {0., 0.}} but each time I try this, Mathematica gives an error. Is there a way around this, or should I edit the text in an external program like Illustrator? Thanks! and all the best, --Buz