- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg92310] SparseArray
- From: Uli Wuerfel <uli.wuerfel at>
- Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 06:51:00 -0400 (EDT)
Hello, I want to create a SparseArray with the elements being zero except for the diagonal elements and their direct neighbours. For those, I would like to assign them a value from another list, depending on the index i. The code is like this: anz=150; kg=10^-3; dx=10^-5; delx={}; For[i=1,i<=anz, delx=Append[delx,{i,dx}]; i++]; matr=SparseArray[{1,1}->-2*kg*delx[[1]][[2]],{i_,i_}/;1<i<anz->-2*kg*(delx[[i]][[2]]+delx[[i-1]][[2]]),{1,2}->kg*delx[[1][[2]],{i_,j_}/;i-j==1&&i>1->kg*delx[[i]][[2]],{i_,j_}/;j-i==1->kg*delx[[i-1]][[2]],{anz,anz}->-kg*(delx[[anz]][[2]]+delx[[anz-1][[2]])},{anz,anz}]; Here delx is a very simple list, but later I would like to do the same with a list with varying elements. The reason is that I would like to have a non-constant grid spacing in order to solve a differential equation with the SparseArray and using LinearSolve. This works well as long as I assign constants to the SparseArray-item. If I try to assign values from a list to the SparseArray-item, it does not work. Can you help? Regards, Uli