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Re: How to debug init.m?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg92342] Re: [mg92294] How to debug init.m?
  • From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 22:24:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: jfultz at

I agree that Tech Support is being a little onerous here.  Here's a technique 
which ought to make debugging things much easier...

First, with all of your settings in place, evaluate the following...

  ToFileName[{$HomeDirectory}, "OldSettings.m"]];

Then restart the FE with clean preferences.  And evaluate the following...

TestOption[opt_] := (
   Print["Testing option ", First[opt]];
   SetOptions[$FrontEnd, opt];
Scan[TestOption, Get[ToFileName[{$HomeDirectory}, "OldSettings.m"]]];

This will iterate through each option one at a time, telling you which one it's 
trying.  Presumably, after one of the settings, it will crash.  Just keep an eye 
on it and see which one it is.  Feel free to reduce the time in the first call 
to Pause[] if you're an attentive and fast reader.

Once finished, you can run the following to reset your settings to the way they 

 Get[ToFileName[{$HomeDirectory}, "OldSettings.m"]]]

Or you could send me your init.m file and I can do it for you.

John Fultz
jfultz at
User Interface Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 06:47:54 -0400 (EDT), Bob F wrote:
> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to debug a problem with an
> init.m file (located in ~/Library/Mathematica/FrontEnd)? I am using
> Mathematica 6.0.3 on Mac OS X (both 10.4 and 10.5 show the problem)
> and if I simply start up the program and have a completely empty
> notebook, then open the "Options Inspector" and then start up the
> "Documentation Center" the program always crashes. If I empty the
> init.m file there is no crash, so the problem is related to what it
> has. But, the things that are there are there because of how I want
> things set up, e.g. positions of palettes, kernel configuration
> definitions, recently opened files, etc, and only because Mathematica
> puts them in there according to how I have things defined and what
> files I have opened, etc. I have not edited this file by hand, so the
> error is there as a result of Mathematica.  I have looked at the file
> and don't find any strange control-characters or anything glaringly
> obvious, but it's all regular looking text in the typical verbose
> Mathematica low-level encoding.
> The file has 218 lines in it right now, so trying to debug by
> eliminating things line by line is a bit daunting. Wolfram says they
> can reproduce the crashing with my init.m file, and want me to debug
> the file and find the offending line to narrow down the problem for
> them. Surely this would be trivial for them to debug given source and
> a simple breakpoint, but they don't seem to think the same, so I am
> stuck trying to debug their problem for the moment. Perhaps someone
> might have a suggestion for narrowing this down?
> Is this typical for Wolfram to push this level of debugging onto
> customers for problems with the program? For software as expensive as
> this, I don't think this should be the normal behavior on their part,
> but that is only my opinion. Anyone wish to comment about this in
> general?
> There is an error that is flashed up on the screen in the Messages
> window, and I believe the error says something about an "internal self-
> test error", and gives a reference to a specific routine, felexAPI.c|
> 33, which I am guessing is something about "FrontEndAPI, line 33", but
> Wolfram says that's not any help in this case since the problem has to
> do with parsing the init.m file.
> But something just occured to me -- why would this file get parsed
> when the "Documentation Center" window is opened? Maybe it gets parsed
> when any file is opened?
> Any ideas or suggestions??
> Thanks....
> -Bob

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