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Re: Avoiding Null output marker from a function

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg92404] Re: Avoiding Null output marker from a function
  • From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 21:46:40 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: University of Bergen
  • References: <gbt2tf$lg4$>

amannuc1 wrote:
> Dear Mathematica community,
> I am having difficulties that the documentation has not resolved to
> date for me. It is this:
> I have defined a function in a Mathematica notebook and then saved it
> as text to include it in a package. The package currently contains two
> functions. The function of interest returns a 2-element list. The
> numbers the function computes appears to be OK, but an annoying
> "Null^3" is appended, presumably as a placeholder for supressed
> output. Something like:
> \!\({\(-0.00005337553998992267`\)\ Null\^3, 5000.147261086986`\ Null
> \^3}\)

When copying output from Mathematica, please use Copy As -> Plain text 
or Copy As -> Input text from the right click menu.

> I would like to eliminate that from the output. When I run the
> function from the notebook, no such 'Null's are seen. The function
> consists of several steps, intermediate variables, a call to FindRoot,
> etc. Semicolons separate these steps, as required.

It is impossible to guess what the problem might be without seeing the 
function, but it sounds as if a semicolon were missing from somewhere.

Could you please post both the function from the notebook, and the 
function from the package file, together with a usage example (so we 
won't have to figure out what input to feed to the function)?

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