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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg98582] Re: [mg98558] Re: AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY -April
  • From: Chris Hill <chill at>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 03:35:00 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <grcgfr$pil$>

At 02:50 AM 4/12/2009, Roger Bagula wrote:
>I found what appears to be a new tile associated with Barnsley's
>  triangular affine.
>The fourth transform algorithm is my own.
>Riddle rotation of Barnsley affine: fractal animation
>Clear[f, dlst, pt, cr, ptlst, M, p, a, b, c, n]
>rotate[theta_] := {{Cos[theta], -Sin[theta]}, {Sin[theta], Cos[theta]}};
>n0 = 4;
>dlst = Table[ Random[Integer, {1, n0}], {n, 10000}];
>a = b = c = 0.5;
>M = {{{-1 + b, -1/2 + b/2 + a/2}, {0, a}}, {{b + c/2 - 1/2,
>b/2 - c/4 +
>    1/4}, {1 - c, c/2 - 1/2}}, {{c/2, -1/2 + a/2 - c/4}, {-c, -1 + a +
>      c/2}}, rotate[-Pi/((7/4 -
>a/2 - b/2 - c/2)) + n*Pi/20].{{1/2 - a/2 -
>   b/2 - c/2, 3/4 - a/4 - b/4 - c/4}, {1 - a/3 - b/3 - c/3, 1/2 - a/6 - b/6 -
>    c/6}}}
>a0 = Table[Det[M[[i]]], {i, 1, 4}]
>FullSimplify[Apply[Plus, a0]]
>rotate[-Pi/((7/4 - a/2 - b/2 - c/2))]
>in = {{1 - b, 0}, {1 - b, 0}, {1/2, 1}, {1 - b, 0}};
>f[j_, {x_, y_}] := M[[j]]. {x, y} + in[[j]]
>pt = {0.5, 0.5};
>cr[n_] := Flatten[Table[If[i == j == k == 1, {},
>          RGBColor[i, j, k]], {i, 0, 1}, {j, 0, 1}, {k, 0, 1}]][[1 + Mod[n +
>          1, 7]]];
>ptlst[n_] := Table[{cr[dlst[[j]]], Point[pt = f[dlst[[j]], Sequence[pt]]]},
>   {j, Length[dlst]}];
>Table[Show[Graphics[Join[{PointSize[.001]}, ptlst[n]]], AspectRatio ->
>        Automatic, PlotRange -> All], {n, 0, 20}]

Thanks for sharing that.

Users of Mathematica version 7 can achieve a faster display of the 
result by using a single Point primitive with the VertexColors option 
instead of a long list of (color, Point) pairs.

Here's a modified version using that optimization:

Clear[f, dlst, pt, cr, ptlst, M, p, a, b, c, n];
rotate[theta_] := {{Cos[theta], -Sin[theta]}, {Sin[theta], Cos[theta]}};
n0 = 4;
dlst = Table[Random[Integer, {1, n0}], {n, 10000}];
a = b = c = 0.5;
M = {{{-1 + b, -1/2 + b/2 + a/2}, {0, a}}, {{b + c/2 - 1/2,
     b/2 - c/4 + 1/4}, {1 - c,
     c/2 - 1/2}}, {{c/2, -1/2 + a/2 - c/4}, {-c, -1 + a + c/2}},
   rotate[-Pi/((7/4 - a/2 - b/2 - c/2)) + n*Pi/20].{{1/2 - a/2 - b/2 - c/2,
      3/4 - a/4 - b/4 - c/4}, {1 - a/3 - b/3 - c/3, 1/2 - a/6 - b/6 - c/6}}}
a0 = Table[Det[M[[i]]], {i, 1, 4}]
FullSimplify[Apply[Plus, a0]]
rotate[-Pi/((7/4 - a/2 - b/2 - c/2))]
in = {{1 - b, 0}, {1 - b, 0}, {1/2, 1}, {1 - b, 0}};
f[j_, {x_, y_}] := M[[j]].{x, y} + in[[j]]
pt = {0.5, 0.5};
colors = List @@ # & /@
      If[i == j == k == 1, {}, RGBColor[i, j, k]], {i, 0, 1}, {j, 0, 1}, {k, 0,
cr[n_] := colors[[1 + Mod[n + 1, 7]]];
ptlst[n_] :=
     Table[pt = f[dlst[[j]], Sequence[pt]], {j, Length[dlst]}]],
    VertexColors -> Developer`ToPackedArray[cr /@ dlst]];
  Table[Graphics[{AbsolutePointSize[1], ptlst[n]},
    PlotRange -> {{-.1, 1.25}, {-.7, 1.1}}], {n, 0, 20}]]

Chris Hill
Wolfram Research 

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