Preserving Notebook Changes
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg98885] Preserving Notebook Changes
- From: Yuri Kandrashkin <spinalgebra at>
- Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:14:09 -0400 (EDT)
Hi, Two weeks ago there was discussion about UNDO function. I have spent some time trying to find out a reasonable solution. As I understand currently there is no solution to have two or more channels to control the notebook selection. Thus there is no =93real multiple UNDO=94 can be realized on the level of language of Kernel and FronEnd. The only strategy I have found is automatic saving of the modified cells to a separate notebook within given time interval. Below is the code of the button to be placed in the Docked Cell. The notebook with preserved cells can be later investigated with some tools like NotebookDiff from AuthorTools`. I would appreciate if anybody can improve the code and combine it with the comparison tool. dockedCellsBtn[] := Cell[BoxData@{ToBoxes@ DynamicModule[ {NotebookPreserve, initialize, nb, t0, q = False, sty = "Input" | "Text"}, NotebookPreserve[__] := Null; NotebookPreserve[True, nb_NotebookObject, sty_, t0_] := Module[{cls, ops, ps, lastUpd}, cls = First@NotebookGet[ButtonNotebook[]]; cls = Cases[cls, Cell[_, sty, ___], \[Infinity]]; ops = Drop[#, 2] & /@ List @@@ cls; ps = CellChangeTimes /. ops /. CellChangeTimes :> {{0}}; lastUpd = Map[Max, ps]; cls = Extract[cls, Position[lastUpd - If[NumberQ@t0, t0, 0], _?Positive]]; SelectionMove[nb, After, Notebook]; NotebookWrite[nb, cls]; NotebookSave[nb]; Max@lastUpd]; initialize[] := Module[{nbobj, fn}, SetOptions[ButtonNotebook[], {"TrackCellChangeTimes" -> True}]; fn = StringInsert[NotebookFileName[], "Preserved.", -3]; If[FileExistsQ[fn], nbobj = NotebookOpen[fn, Visible -> False], nbobj = NotebookPut@Notebook[{}, Visible -> False]; NotebookSave[nbobj, fn]]; SetOptions[nbobj, WindowMargins -> {{Automatic, 0}, {Automatic, 0}}, ClosingAutoSave -> True, "TrackCellChangeTimes" -> False, WindowTitle -> (WindowTitle /. AbsoluteOptions[ButtonNotebook[], WindowTitle]) <> ".Preserved"]; nbobj]; Button[ Dynamic[Refresh[ t0 = NotebookPreserve[q, nb, sty, t0]; "Notebook Preserve: " <> If[q, "On", "Off"], TrackedSymbols -> Full, UpdateInterval -> 60]], q = ! q; t0 = If[q, nb = initialize[]; Module[{cls, tt}, cls = First@NotebookGet[nb]; cls = Drop[#, 2] & /@ List @@@ cls; tt = CellChangeTimes /. cls /. CellChangeTimes :> {{0}}; Max@Flatten@tt], If[Head@nb === NotebookObject, SetOptions[nb, Visible -> True]; NotebookSave[nb]; NotebookClose[nb]]]; ]]}] If[NotebookFileName[] =!= $Failed, SetOptions[InputNotebook[], "TrackCellChangeTimes" -> True, DockedCells -> dockedCellsBtn[]]] Sincerely, Yuri Kandrashkin