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Re: Create jpg image files of mathematical equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg102512] Re: Create jpg image files of mathematical equations
  • From: Diana <diana.mecum at>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 04:32:51 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h5okvi$sn$> <h5r8a5$l41$>


Thank you for explaining how to do the export with ExpressionCell.

I have a two part followup:

1) I want to do hundreds of these files, and would like to use a table
and variables which change. Is it possible to use "m" and "n" within
the ExpressionCell[Defer[1 + 91}, for example, so that I don't have to
rewrite each export statement?

2) I would like to make the file names dynamic. For example, if I am
adding 1 + 91 = 92, I would like to name the file 01019192.jpg, where
the leading 01 stands for addition, and the remaining string 019192
stand for 1, 91, and the sum, respectively.

As an example, I would like to be able to write one statement to
create 14 jpg files for the "14's" times tables, 1 x 14 = 14, 2 x 14 = 28, ..., 14 x 14 = 196.

Thank you for your time,

Diana M.

On Aug 11, 12:57 am, David Reiss <dbre... at> wrote:
> Here are two examples to get you started (of course the paths to the
> files need to be changed for your system)....
> Export["/Users/dreiss/Desktop/MyEquation.jpg",
>  ExpressionCell[Defer[1 + 91], "Input", FontSize -> 30,
>   Background -> LightGray]]
> Export["/Users/dreiss/Desktop/MyEquation.jpg",
>  ExpressionCell[Defer[1 + 91 == #] &[1 + 91], "Input", FontSize -> 30,
>    Background -> LightGray]]
> Hope this helps,
> David
> On Aug 10, 4:15 am, Diana < at> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I want to quickly create many jpg image files of math facts though 24,
> > such as
> > 12 + 12 = 24
> > 30 - 15 = 15
> > 3 x 4 = 12
> > I would like to create the files with and without answers, with very
> > large font, and with an option to choose font and background colors.
> > Can someone explain how to export equations, with special characters
> > for +, - * and /?
> > Thank you,
> > Diana

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