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Re: Select text with keyboard?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg102654] Re: Select text with keyboard?
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 08:06:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h5nhsi$8nh$> <h6b3gj$quc$>


> If you need to write and edit a LARGE (not small or medium size)
> amount of unstructured text, you are probably better off using a word
> processor (that is what they are made for), spell check your text and
> then paste it into Mathematica. Once in Mathematica you can format it using the
> facilities provided for by the program.
> In this way you get the best of both worlds.

I just wanted to add that using "Text" for the style of your cell, you
will get the usual behavior that other word processors have (Version 6
and 7 on Windows). Just try it. So at least for that there is no reason
to switch to something else, and it also shows that it probably is
indeed meant as a feature in "Input"-type cells. On the other hand I
never understood why the "Input" behavior would be "better" than the
"Text" cell behavior for editing code, but maybe it's just a matter of
taste. It might be possible that there is even a switch to change that
behavior for Input-Cells, but I don't have the time to check all the
options of Cell to search for it...

I also mainly use the multi-klick selection (or Ctrl-. if you prefer the
keyboard) in Input und Output cells and find that's almost alway
perfectly what I need...



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