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Re: Combine images, Show[] and its effect on AspectRatio. Plot, Epilog,

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105430] Re: Combine images, Show[] and its effect on AspectRatio. Plot, Epilog,
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 06:26:51 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <hf2mqp$id6$>

Nasser M. Abbasi schrieb:
> Hello,
> This is Version 7, Windows.
> I make a plot and Mathematica seems to have a good algorithm for coming up 
> with an AspectRatio which makes the plot looks good. So when I type
> p=Plot[Sin[x],{x,-Pi,Pi}];
> AspectRatio/.FullOptions[p]
> 0.618034
> Now, I wanted to add an arc on top of the above plot at some place, say the 
> origin, so I type
> p=Plot[Sin[x],{x,-Pi,Pi},Epilog->Circle[{0,0},.5,{-45 Degree,180 Degree}]];
> AspectRatio/.FullOptions[p]
> Out[67]= 0.618034
> Show[p]
> But due to the aspect ratio used for the Plot itself, you can see that the 
> arc is not circular as I expected. So now I typed
> p=Plot[Sin[x],{x,-Pi,Pi},AspectRatio->Automatic,Epilog->Circle[{0,0},.5,{-45 
> Degree,180 Degree}]];
> AspectRatio/.FullOptions[p]
> 0.31831
> Show[p]
> Now, the arc is seen as circular, but I lost the good aspect ratio which 
> made my Plot look good.
> So, I was trying to find how to keep the original Aspect ratio for the plot, 
> but keep the arc come up as circular and not turn to some sort of elliptic 
> shape as would be the case without the use of Automatic.
> I also tried Show[g1,g2] but depending on the order, the AspectRatio changes 
> (because Show[] uses information from the first object). So that did not 
> help.
> So, my problem is that I need to make the plot using the Mathematica 
> calculated AspectRatio, but also add an or circle and make that show as a 
> circle on the top of the earlier plot, and not have its AspectRatio changed 
> by adding the new object. Using AspectRatio->Automatic is not an option, as 
> it made my overall plot look not good.
> Graphics[]  has 100's of options, and I am looking at them now, may be there 
> is something hidden there, but I am not seeing anything yet.

I think that the main problem is that you want the line to look like a
circle, not to be a circle in the coordinates of the plot. So you need
to use Scaled, along with the scaling others have suggested:

p = Plot[Sin[x], {x, -Pi, Pi},
  Epilog ->
   Circle[{0, 0},
    Scaled[0.25 {1/GoldenRatio, 1}], {-45 Degree, 180 Degree}]]

of course you could also use AbsoluteOptions to find the actual
AspectRatio and to the scaling with that value....



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