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Re: Import from web addresses fails

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105639] Re: Import from web addresses fails
  • From: jwinter <john.winterflood at>
  • Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 07:01:32 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <han6ab$pie$>

I have discovered much the same problem trying to download some
astronomy data from NED (Nasa Extragalactic Database).  If I run the
following line it works fine and gives the data as an html web page:


But if I change the command slightly so that it responds with the data
in TSV (Tab Separated Values) file format then it says "the connection
cannot be opened":

FetchURL::conopen: The connection to URL
cannot be opened. If the URL is correct, you might need to configure
your firewall program, or you might need to set a proxy in the
Internet connectivity tab of the Preferences dialog (or by calling
SetInternetProxy).  For HTTPS connections, you might need to inspect
the authenticity of the server's SSL certificate and choose to accept

However both of these requests to NED work fine from a browser.  So I
assume there is a bug in Mathematica in which it ignores responses to
an http-type url request which do not look like html (or something)!

Here are the above URLs as tiny urls:

Maybe someone who got Bobs Import[] to work can check to see if this
one wants to work for them (it is a very small amount of data that is

I cannot "download" the "file" and run Import[] locally as the only
reason that I am running Import[] is in order to download the file -
automatically, one small segment at a time, and concatenate them into
a complete data collection - since Nasa only allow a few thousand
records per request and I want 1.5million.  The HTML format Import[]
which does work is not as useful as its data contains significantly
reduced precision compared to the TSV version.

I have now reported this as a bug and it has been given a tech support
reference number of [TS48601].  It will be interesting to see what
Wolfram's reply might be.

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