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Re: Need to speed up a matrix calculation

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105714] Re: Need to speed up a matrix calculation
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 06:19:22 -0500 (EST)

On 12/15/09 at 7:26 AM, warsaw95826 at (Garapata) wrote:

>I have a calculation, which I want to do in a more direct,  elegant,
>and faster calculating way.

>Start with 3 variables and 2 matrices:

>intervals = 10; samples  = 5; measurements = 3;

>p = Array[a, {intervals -1, samples, measurements}];
>m = Array[b, {samples, intervals}];
>mMost = Drop[w, None, -1];

>This also shortens the length the next line, the one I need help

>composition = (Transpose[p[[#]]] . mMost[[All, #]] ) * 5 /
>Total[mMost [[All, #]]] & /@ Range[Length[p]]

>This works, but will likely get quite slow as I increase the number
>of intervals, samples, and measurements.  I'd like a more direct way
>to do this.  The above seems bit like making map like an iterative
>loop, kind of cheating at functional programing.

This last can be made more efficient using:

In[53]:= compA =
   MapThread[#1.#2 &, {Transpose[p, {1, 3, 2}],
Most@Transpose[m]}] 5/

In[54]:= compA == composition

Out[54]= True

Also, mMost is not needed in your code since you explicitly
select only the first p columns of mMost which are also the
first p columns of m. That is:

In[56]:= compB = (Transpose[p[[#]]].m[[All, #]])*5/
       Total[m[[All, #]]] & /@ Range[Length[p]];

In[57]:= compB == composition

Out[57]= True

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