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Re: User defined color function for discrete data set?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105787] Re: [mg105777] User defined color function for discrete data set?
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 06:25:01 -0500 (EST)
  • Reply-to: hanlonr at

You define the ColorFunction the same in both cases.

f[x_] := Exp[-x^2] Exp[2 I x]

xlist = Range[-3, 3, .1];

  Plot[Abs[f[x]], {x, -3, 3},
   Filling -> Axis,
   ColorFunction ->
    (Hue[Arg[f[#1]]] &)],
   {#, Abs[f[#]]} & /@ xlist,
   Filling -> Axis,
   ColorFunction ->
    (Hue[Arg[f[#1]]] &)]}]

Bob Hanlon

---- Porscha Louise McRobbie <pmcrobbi at> wrote: 


If I define a complex function, I can easily plot its modulus and  
color it according to its argument as:

f[x_] := Exp[-x^2] Exp[2 I x]
Plot[Abs[f[x]], {x, -3, 3}, Filling -> Axis,
  ColorFunction -> (Hue[  Arg[f[#1]]] &)]

I'd like to do the same thing, but now with a discrete set of points.  
If I have the following plot:

xlist = Table[j, {j, -3, 3, .1}];
flist = Table[f[j], {j, -3, 3, .1}];
data = Thread[{xlist, flist}];
ListLinePlot[Thread[{xlist, Abs[flist]}], Filling -> Axis]

Using a built-in color scheme is easy, I just add the option  
ColorFunction->scheme.  But how can I define my own color function? Is  
it possible to use ColorData somehow?

My apologies if this is in the Documentation, I cannot seem to find a  
relevant example.


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