MathGroup Archive 2009

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Re: Marbles.nb [was Re: CellChangeTimes?]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg105854] Re: Marbles.nb [was Re: CellChangeTimes?]
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 04:03:36 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Stanford University
  • References: <hgidat$o2q$> <hgl3e5$14p$> <hgnnn4$4nn$>

In article <hgnnn4$4nn$1 at>, magma <maderri2 at> 

> Interesting example AES!
> Indeed FullForm does not reveal anything.
> Show Expression is what you need.
> Let's call "mutated" the cell with
> Cell["-(b-a) I", "Input"]
> That's because it is not a normal input cell. I can only get it via
> copying your cell.
> It is viewed by Mathematica as a string (because of the "..."), but she makes
> calculations with it.
> You can see this by changing the mutated cell to
> -(b-a+a)  I
> and you see that Mathematica correctly adds the a's.
> By the way, the number of spaces between ) and I is not relevant for
> either the regular or the mutated cell.
> Now, having reached my hacking incompetence level, I leave the experts
> further investigate the matter.
> Just a question....The nb was version 4.2, how come?

That's strange, and I have no idea.  I'm running on a 2007-era 
MacBook; ran 5.2 and 6 on this same machine before that; haven't kept 
any older versions around; don't recall offhand if 4.2 would ever have 
been on this machine.

How does one look at the version of a nb?

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